This is Tiffany Lowrie's Story.
Before Destiny
I lived my life in shallow conversations and dressed myself and my family in money and success. Appearances were very important to me and I didn’t like weakness in myself.
I deliberately hid my hurt and dysfunction and used to blame God for every wrong thing in the world. It was never me – always everyone else’s fault.
My Catholic upbringing and schooling led me to believe that God was not very interested in everyday life. My parents taught me self-discipline, to work hard and get a good education. Church to me was ritual and routine.
I knew there was something good in it all, but I just couldn’t connect.
I do remember praying to God, mostly I was angry at him and blamed him for all the disappointments, hurt and wrong. I wanted him to fix the problems I saw in the world.
Why God? Why?!
My parents’ divorce shook me, and I questioned the importance of getting married at all - Why? My young cousin was killed tragically in a car accident - Why? I was sexually molested by a family member and then kept it a secret - Why? My relationships failed and I was betrayed - Why?
I ranted and raged at God, believing him to be unable to help, and distant to the real-world problems that my family and I were going through.
Change was Coming
My partner was an alcoholic. We were a blended family with three young children, living together in a de-facto relationship. We had a successful but stressful business, and we were on a fast spiral down. Addiction. Denial. Dysfunction.
We were the great pretenders, dressed up by success and money. We were outwardly awesome but inwardly falling apart.

My husband rang the church number, listed on the website, and the receptionist answered. She encouraged us to come to church and make our decisions after that.
He was the instigator of us coming to Destiny church. I remember the songs we sung on our first Sunday, they still grab my heart today.
“My children will know you and walk in your ways.”
I knew two things very clearly that morning:
My husband and I had no hope of fixing ourselves or securing our children’s future on our own, and
that in this church, I was going to be able to live the reality of that song.
Mark connected with the preaching and it was a done deal. Destiny was the real to our fake and we chose to commit and connect to people who could help us heal from the inside out.
We stayed.
Bishop Brian and Pastor Hannah are amazing! They just don’t give up….ever! I respect their honesty and how loving they are to everyone. I know they believe in us.
They are the reason Mark and I decided to marry. I love that they are hard out and unashamed. There is no way we would be as we are without their leadership or example.
Man Up and Legacy
In the past I wouldn’t have been bothered with people and their issues, I would’ve felt they deserved the life they had. But I know better now.
This is our purpose. It’s real. It is life changing.
The difference in me because of Legacy is massive – I am integral. Unshakable. Peaceful and calm – the opposite to how I used to be. I’m no longer worried about my future.
Things that caused me worry like health, money and raising kids, don’t stress or panic me anymore. I’m sure and confident now; patient and graceful. I trust my husband and I trust my church.
My husband and I are senior captains in ManUp and Legacy in Beach Haven on the North Shore. There are so many people that have things to overcome, and I can help. I have the answer. I am secure in me.
My Advice:
Stop hiding! Get saved, get baptised and stay.
Be obedient and submit. Allow change to happen – don’t hold onto dysfunction, it’s not your friend.
It’s simple really!