Apostle Brian and Pastor Hannah Tamaki are the Senior Ministers and visionary leaders of Destiny Church International.
At the heart of their ministry is the local church and people.
He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata
What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people.
Apostle Bishop Brian Tamaki and his wife Pastor Hannah Tamaki are a dynamic and inspirational couple. Together they lead the largest Maori and Pacific Island church movement in New Zealand.
Pastor Hannah is the founder of Healing Hands ministry and Women of Wealth, which are tools to bless and empower women and their families in New Zealand and Australia
Apostle Bishop Brian Tamaki has devoted his life to see the Kingdom of God break out into this nation and beyond. He is the founder and foremost champion of Destiny Church, its schools, television, ManUp, Iwi Tapu and the recent Tu Tangata Riders.
Apostle Bishop Brian Tamaki is a prominent Christian leader and advocate of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has appeared on all major prime time news and current affairs broadcasts and tabloids in New Zealand defending and upholding the Christian faith and the lordship of Jesus Christ.
Apostle Bishop Brian Tamaki is the author of numerous books which tell the story of his life and faith, as well as providing Biblical instruction and prophetic revelation.
He has impacted and changed thousands upon thousands of lives the world over
With a genuine heart and radical approach, he believes hope and a better future is available to all - right now.